Helping Colorado Families Get Ahead
Colorado families are finding that no matter how hard they work, they struggle to make ends meet.
Michael passed the expanded Child Tax Credit, which kept nearly 4 million children out of poverty last year alone and gave working families a tax cut. Now, he’s fighting to make it permanent. Michael believes anybody who graduates with a high school diploma should be able to find a good job and earn a living wage. That’s why he’s working to expand access to skills training and apprenticeships, particularly in rural and underserved communities. He’s also fighting to make sure college is affordable for Coloradans who choose to attend. Michael successfully pushed to extend the pause on student loan repayments so borrowers have more time to financially recover from the pandemic.
Growing Colorado’s Economy and Creating Jobs
Coloradans need an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top.
Michael is fighting to build an economy that works for everyone, not just the few at the top. He’s working to lower costs from health care to housing to child care to make sure Coloradans can get and stay ahead. Michael’s work saving small businesses during the COVID pandemic earned him the Small Business Council of America’s 2022 Congressional Award. Michael helped pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law which will rebuild roads and bridges while creating good-paying jobs, and expand access to high-speed internet so Coloradans can fully participate in the 21st century economy. He believes the wealthy and big corporations should pay their fair share in taxes so he’s fighting to reverse the Trump tax cuts for the wealthy and big corporations and invest in working families. Michael is fighting to boost American competitiveness to bolster our national security and bring manufacturing of critical goods back to the United States.
Tackling Rising Costs
Ongoing supply chain disruptions and housing shortages mean prices continue to increase for Coloradans.
As housing costs rise, Michael has worked with leaders across Colorado to create a plan that will increase housing supply and lower costs. Michael responded to rising gas prices by introducing legislation to hold Big Oil companies accountable for profiteering. To solve supply chain problems, Michael has worked to allow truckers to work more efficiently, hold shipping companies accountable, and he supported small and medium meat processors to protect our food supply chain.
Protecting Colorado’s Public Lands, Air and Water
Droughts, wildfires, and air pollution are threatening the Colorado way of life.
For years, Michael has fought for solutions that address climate change, cut pollution, and make sure all Coloradans have clean air and water. Michael is working to help Colorado communities recover from wildfires and prevent them from happening; plug orphan wells that release toxic methane and other pollutants into our air and groundwater; and upgrade our electrical grid and grow our renewable energy sector – all while creating good-paying jobs to execute these critical programs and ensuring that as we transition to a clean energy economy, no Colorado communities are left behind.
Fighting Washington Corruption and Returning Politics to the People
The broken campaign finance system gives large corporations and their lobbyists too much power in Washington.
Michael puts Colorado first and stands up to corporate special interests to reform our politics. He has been recognized as a leader on anti-corruption efforts in Congress by End Citizens United. Michael does not take a cent from corporate PACs and federal lobbyists. He’s currently working to ban members of Congress from trading stocks and ever becoming lobbyists. Michael knows Washington plays by different rules, and he wants to put an end to that.
Expanding Access to Affordable, Good-Quality Health Care for all Coloradans
Health care costs are too high and Coloradans need realistic solutions that expand access to good quality, affordable health care.
Michael worked with Republicans to lower health care costs by ending surprise emergency medical bills and cut red tape so Coloradans can quickly access lifesaving medicines for cancer, diabetes, and more. Now, Michael is fighting to cap out-of-pocket insulin prices at $35 per month and to allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices. Since 2017, Michael has fought for a public option called Medicare X that would expand on the promise of the Affordable Care Act to achieve universal healthcare, and allow people to keep their private insurance if they want.
Michael believes that Washington, D.C. should follow Colorado’s lead and codify Roe v. Wade into law, so that women can make these most personal reproductive decisions with their doctors, and without government interference.
Strengthening Rural and Farming Communities
Rural communities are at risk of being left behind in a rapidly changing world.
Michael passed legislation to close the digital divide in rural communities and bring high-speed internet to tens of thousands of Coloradans who currently lack access. He passed legislation to repair roads and bridges and improve public transportation on the Western Slope. Michael is fighting to support farmers and ranchers facing an unprecedented drought and build resilient supply chains. As housing costs rise, Michael passed measures to improve and build affordable housing for our rural and mountain communities. Finally, Michael passed the Postal Reform Act which will save nearly $50 billion over the next 10 years while supporting more reliable delivery and service in Colorado’s mountain and rural communities.