On which candidate Coloradans trust to protect abortion rights, voter says “It’s not even close, we need Michael fighting for us.”
DENVER — Today, Michael Bennet released his third ad of the general election, “Not Even Close” which will air on broadcast TV and cable in Denver and Colorado Springs, and online statewide, for the next two weeks.
The ad presents the choice facing Colorado voters this November between Michael Bennet who has a strong record of protecting abortion rights and Joe O’Dea who opposes the Colorado law protecting abortion rights and would vote to confirm the conservative Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe v Wade.
“Take it from the people who know best: abortion rights advocacy groups like COBALT and Planned Parenthood Action Fund who endorsed Michael’s campaign, and Colorado women who spoke up because their reproductive rights are at risk. They know the choice for U.S. Senate is not even close, Michael fights to protect reproductive rights, O’Dea sides with far-right politicians who’d take those rights away.” – Bennet for Colorado campaign manager Justin Lamorte

After the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, Susan from Boulder, CO wants Coloradans to know that, “It makes the race for Senate even more important.”
Colorado voters can’t trust Joe O’Dea. Just take a look at his record, and what he’s said publicly about the issue:
Record #1: O’Dea says he is “pro-life.”
- During a radio interview, he told the host, “Personally, I’m Pro-Life.”
- In another radio interview, he went as far as to say, “…you’ll see me help move the pro-life movement forward.”
Record #2: O’Dea says he would have voted to confirm the Supreme Court Justices who overturned Roe v Wade.
- His website touts O’Dea’s stance on Trump’s Supreme Court justice picks: “O’Dea…would have voted to confirm every Supreme Court nominee of President George W. Bush and President Donald J. Trump.”
Record #3: O’Dea opposes Colorado’s law that codified the right to choose, and the Senate bill to codify the right to an abortion.
- During a radio interview he explained to the host, “I disagree with the law here. This, to me, is reckless, it’s extreme.”
Record #4: O’Dea bragged about endorsements from pro-life leaders who support banning abortion.
- His website even highlights a “pro-life leaders endorse Joe O’Dea” section.